Hi all, a double furnace would be great, I haven't found anything on that yet. So this iron and copper can melt at the same time. As a small disadvantage you could add that this furnace has fewer module slots than the normal ones. So that this does not block because iron ore is suddenly put into the copper ore slot, it would be helpful if each ore has its own place.
If this can be done and there is someone who can program it, I would be happy if this could be done for the blast furnaces and electric furnaces.
Furnace type is limited to 1 source ingredient. They can't actually be made to accept 2 different ingredients at the same time.
However a recipe could be made for the assembling machine that takes 1 iron + 1 copper and produce 1 iron plate and 1 copper plate.
Ok, thanks for your explanation. Yeah, then you'd have a punching machine, so to speak. Would also be interesting, could also include another resource.
Sure would be a small alternative, even if it's not the same, but I strongly suspect that blocked at the feed because a resource clogged the furnace. Maybe you can adjust this with circuitry, I do not know, until now have always skilfully bypassed to use them.
Edit: Yes it works, or depends on the entrance, ores must run mixed.