Map mode showing radar coverage AND radar positions

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Map mode showing radar coverage AND radar positions

Post by stepcz »

I have a QOL suggestion:

Issue: as the base grows, there will be many radars scattered across the base, drawing significant power. Many of those are likely to be overlapping, not contributing to overal coverage nor map scanning (this is job of radars on the outskirts). Finding and removing the unnecessary radars is a chore, essentially a minigame of "spot the radar".

I suggest including a new map mode, which would highlight areas covered by radar and indicate radar sites by a marker. It could look just like logistic network coverage, probably using the blue tint like when placing radars.

Alternate idea: having radar in hand (placing) shows lines to nearest radars, where coverage would overlap - much like placing a roboport.
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Re: Map mode showing radar coverage AND radar positions

Post by Lubricus »

That would be nice
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Re: Map mode showing radar coverage AND radar positions

Post by csduff »

Great suggestion. At some point when my base grows, I want to remove and efficiently place radar. This basically means spending a bunch of time going to the edges of my base, searching where the radars roughly should be, removing them, working my way inward, then replacing them all in a more efficient setup. Locating them this way would be so much easier.
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Re: Map mode showing radar coverage AND radar positions

Post by Yandersen »

Absolutely right idea!
Joining the club without second thought.
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