[RSeding91] Runtime access to utility constants

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[RSeding91] Runtime access to utility constants

Post by lovely_santa »

I got an entity that I can draw with the renderer (converted it to sprite animation).
So at this point, I can render an entity that looks exactly the same as the actual entity.

Now, when the entity gets destroyed, it destroys my rendering (as it is tied into the entity, so it is at the end of its lifetime).
The ghost itself is now not showing anything (other than a collision box and a recipe overlay in alt mode).
I would like to be able to issue a new renderer.draw_animation where I make it look like a ghosted entity.
In order to do that, i can use the same sprite as I did to render the actual entity, but for the ghost I need to set it a bit transparant.

So here my request to have access to the (relevant) utility-constants at runtime, so I can use the ghost_tint in my draw call.

Kind regards
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