[MOD 0.17] Super Expensive Mode

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Long Handed Inserter
Long Handed Inserter
Posts: 78
Joined: Tue Apr 17, 2018 9:55 am

[MOD 0.17] Super Expensive Mode

Post by rhynex »

Name: SuperExpensiveMode
Description: changes game recipes to make them challenging and having long chain of products
License: MIT
Released on: 2019/07/23
Version: 1.0.0
works with 0.17 experimental version
Category: Big changes
Mod page: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/SuperExpensiveMode

What it does

changes vanilla game recipes of "expensive mode" to make them require more ingredients. does not touch "normal mode" recipes (tied to setting)
uranium is used extensively in many recipes (and yellow/utility science), especially u-235 is required to win game
changed science pack recipes (tied to setting)
required time/output count of recipes are not changed except science packs


does not work with other recipe changing mods, depends on which recipes are changed
due to coding limitations (or my incompetence) science pack recipes are duplicated, both normal version and new versions are visible. need to choose new version manually. timing and output of recipes cannot be different in normal vs expensive modes. that was my solution


none until so far, it was based on 0.16 so some recipes might look weird


some more recipes to be expensive-d
I am not pleased with the oil changes. I want different ingredients but I have no idea. feedback is appreciated.

Full Changed Recipe list:
* basic & advanced oil processing, cracking recipes
* solid fuel recipes
* belts and inserters
* sulfur
* blue circuit
* rocket fuel, low density structure, rocket control unit
* power armors and various equipment
* science packs (timing, output and ingredients)
* almost all buildings (refinery, chemical plant, assembler etc)
* uranium ammo
* modules (2nd and 3rd levels)
* car, tank
* turrets
* robots

My first mod so feedback is appreciated :)
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