[0.17.X Lastet]mod "long & far reach" doesn't active?

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Burner Inserter
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[0.17.X Lastet]mod "long & far reach" doesn't active?

Post by lordsith »


I had a game save with the mod "long and far reach" activated in it.

I added some mods to my list of active mods, and take my game back.

Now I see that this mod is no longer active in game.


I checked the mod which the savegame has... and the "long and far reach" mod is not showing although for 4 days (+-100 hours) I played with it in that save game.

And when I make sure to check the "long and far reach" mod in the mod menu, and start my game again, the mod is not active in game at all... I cannot even see it in the "mod parameters menu".

I'm a little lost since I play on steam and can't log in on the mod discussion link from the mod menu in factorio...

Have you any help to provide?
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Re: [0.17.X Lastet]mod "long & far reach" doesn't active?

Post by Loewchen »

Post your log after a session with the issue and post your save file, best use a filehoster for the save and post a link.
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