[0.17.x] Allow to hide the fluid icon on the fluid connections

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[0.17.x] Allow to hide the fluid icon on the fluid connections

Post by lovely_santa »


I got a 1x1 assembling machine that has an input and an output, as shown below:
tmp.PNG (857.37 KiB) Viewed 730 times
As you can see on detailed mode; this entity has 3 icon graphics drawn:
  1. The recipe icon in the middle of the graphic (backgound)
  2. The input fluid icon
  3. The output fluid icon
The fluid icons are drawn over each other; 2 different recipes show in one the "HP" drawn on top, and one drawn as bottom graphic, to show that it shows both.

On small entities (like this 1x1 assembling machine entity), this can become too much to be useful.
On the other hand, when I set the entity to be a furnace, it doesn't show the fluid input/output filter, only the recipe icon, which provides enough information, and is much clearer.

Kind regards
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Re: [0.17.x] Allow to hide the fluid icon on the fluid connections

Post by Staplergun »

I'm looking into this.
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