random feedback

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random feedback

Post by xploit »

My Feedback:
- First of all. I love that game!

A few things to improve in my perspective
1) Building all things from farer away. It is totally annoying for example to improve the feeder belts in complex setups..
2) incrase reach from transformer station. It needs alot of place and is therefore even worse than 4 single pices (=> power pole)
a new power pole with even bigger range would be cool than a transformer
3) "electric arc furnace"(?..translated) needs to much energy. Cole is always plentyful and normale furnace (lvl2) are very good and smaler(!!) so make em at least smaler (lvl3)
4) The robot arms should be able to bepointed to both or only nearer / farer part of the belt to receive or drop goods on belts.
5) there should be a "smart divider" for belts that has 2 (or more) input belts (=4 inputs) and two or more output belts (=2 positions on each belt=4 output positions) and i want to set filter for each output position
The best would be to also add the functionality to each output that is described in #6
This would alow to make branches to belts and say which goods to how many % go to the branch
6) "belt dividers" should be able to be configured.. like 20/80% or 40/60%... => this function should also be added to smart robot arms to be able to pike a percentage => this would in some cases make logistic circuits obsolet
7) there should be a belt pice (1x1) that divides the input on both sides of the belt
8) Modules should be more powerful. Why not just add Speed without increasing energy consumption? It is always much better to build a new factory then adding modules.. (new factory = +100%/+100% while a module gives lvl2 +30%/+60)
9) no tunnel limit. Why a limit? Limit fun? ;)
10) priority settings to all demand chests !! At the moment it is many priorized by distance i think..
11) the car is to weak. And cant be upgraded... why? Make some extensions like to the armor.. some heavy weapons!! Yeah!
12) A plane would be awesome too ( i see as item but cannot create it..)
13) Having permanent robots that protect the base would also be cooler than having this "capsula-robots"..
14) The train should also be attacked on its way and should be able to carry weapons to defend itself.
15) Gates are needed to close the base to the enemy and having train station inside
16) Upgrade to iron walls?
17) Which fluid input is where should be user defined (refinery,...)
18) when building stuff by myself it would be cool if they get things also from logistic network by robots (robots bring it to you if you have some in your network..)
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Re: random feedback

Post by immibis »

Did you read the "read this or be ignored" thread?
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Re: random feedback

Post by ssilk »

Immibis said it all. To hit into this wound: :)

1. Built so, that you have enough place to run. There are ideas that you have a device, which compensates the movement on belts, so you stand still.
2. We think this will be used to switch on/off things later. Use the electrical poles, which have a fair area ratio.
3. There have been lots of discussions. Current result is that it is a late game device and quite powerful, if used right. And the bigger size is quite fair then.
4. No. This kind of puzzle is part of the game.
5. There is a mod, which does it. Many discussions, no current answer, but the devs tend to not introduce more devices, cause things like that can always be built with the existing devices, but need more space. But in Factorio space is not an issue.
6. Not sure, what you mean, but there are good mods for doing stuff with the belts.
7. See https://forums.factorio.com/wiki/inde ... anes_trick
This is what I mean with "can always be built with existing devices". You're free to read more in the wiki and in the gameplay help forum.
8. The reason is, that it should use more power to produce more pollution. Otherwise it would be unfair.
9. You will soon loose the overview. You need a limit, cause otherwise you can cheat. Use locomotive. Use other transports.
10. If you need priority you have made something wrong. You can use for example two chests. But in general all request chests are delivered equally.
11. You have the tank. The car is not thought for that. In 0.10 you can fight from inside the car.
12. There are some suggestions about that, but in very different directions. (Helicopter, para glider...)
13. Also some suggestions existing about it. Read first them.
14. There are plans to make a fight train... But why should the train be attacked on the way?
15. Gates are already in the game. Use the experimental settings to download the current 0.11. https://forums.factorio.com/wiki/inde ... stallation
16. Why? For example: use the bots to repair the walls. Place more lasers. Fight the enemy bases!
17. Some suggestion about that.
18. Use your character logistic slots https://forums.factorio.com/wiki/inde ... stic_slots

So as summary: this is nice to see, where the game still lacks information, where it needs more hands on. That you play obviously with 0.10 for example.
But on the other side it's on you to inform yourself about how to get the most fun out of an alpha game.
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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