I've got an long-time online acquaintance with a friend from another forum that's been trying to immigrate to the Czech Republic, and has hit a snag getting her Visa renewed, mostly due to not being a native, thus not understanding the ins and outs of the system, but direct cause is being a day late on submission of paperwork. (She did not know that timelines there counted by calendar days, as opposed to the business days that are often counted.)
If anyone here happens to have governmental influence in immigration in Czech, or would otherwise be willing to help a friend of mine find her way through the bureaucracy, it would be appreciated.
I have nothing to gain in this, nor anything to lose. I don't have a reward for whomever deigns to assist in the endeavor, beyond the goodwill of myself and a great deal of gratitude of my friend.
I'm simply trying to find some help for a friend, in a community I know has a heavy amount of membership throughout Europe.
A virtual friend in Czech needs assistance
Things that are not directly connected with Factorio.
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