[PSA][Linux + Steam + Factorio Verbose Logging]

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[PSA][Linux + Steam + Factorio Verbose Logging]

Post by EnigmaticAussie »

How this came about
I had a warning on my PC today, that I was running out of disk space - which in itself was a bit strange, as I've not been installing/storing a lot of new information recently.
After inspecting the disk usage, I found a 96GB syslog file.

It turns out that steam logs everything that gets logged in Factorio, and relogs it to the syslog.

This is compounded if you turn on verbose logging in the Factorio settings (it logs your entire BP library as a string, among other things).
How to resolve
Using the steps found here my syslog is now more reasonable.

Code: Select all

sudo nano /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf
# before the first uncommented line enter:
if ($programname == 'steam.desktop' and $syslogseverity > 5) then stop
# save and exit
sudo service rsyslog restart
I should add that this drastically improved my UPS too.
For a map that was hovering around 45UPS, it's now at a solid 60.
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