What i miss in 0.17

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Manual Inserter
Manual Inserter
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Joined: Wed Apr 10, 2019 8:12 am

What i miss in 0.17

Post by chris82 »

Since about 1200 hours of playtime i play a heavily modded FACTORIO with bobs-, angels- and ( as possible clowns)-mods and many else - e.g. vehicle snap cause i'm a notorious bad driver, fear of the dark, big bags (this one missing hurts me :oops: ), FARL ( two thumps up once understood :mrgreen: ).
In 0.1651 everything was fine, in about 60-70 hours it was MY planet without peaceful mode. OIC in place i could measure in RPM, analyze, migrate (which works again thanks to an update to new game + :D ), kick some aliens, optimize workflows, analyze, finetune and had a hell of a lotta fun.
( E.g. 1200 hours i didn't even do in skyrim till today)
But now?
I gotta build fine-tuned circuit-network-setups to fit ore input to chip output and without void chests it wasn't even possible (though i tried). Exactly. I NEED void chest.

Somethings went from "tricky" (especially angels chemistry tweaks in 017, i even like them... :D ) to impossible without void chest.

It cost me 17 hours (in my setup) to get blue science potions, because everything went from interesting to massive parallelisation needs with technicalities, which i know of in the next step are obsolete.
This frustrates even in vanilla.
The biggest nuisance is restarting this "you can't reach this bad click", because this is MY base, i touch everything, i CONTROL my circuits, but NO: i can't.
When i pay in energy for sight, i want to touch. Or turn a switch at least.

I feel out of touch with my own base. :o

This is new. I never had this feeling with factorio since i play it.

I gotta start a somewhat grown lua-script to only NOT hatequit sometimes.

I did adopt:

- a small inventory, a nuisance but good logistics and i got this
- all your new recipes
- massive iron parallelization needs (for what except than a stretch of my time? I did launch in my TTL over 270 OICS, 2500 or somewhat satellites and all these parts for the spacebase several times)

Thank god, not every idea from vanilla goes into to mods.
But too many so far imho.
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