[0.17.43] Deconstruction Planner has separate curved rail and straight rail

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Burner Inserter
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[0.17.43] Deconstruction Planner has separate curved rail and straight rail

Post by Shadow179 »

When you right click on a deconstruction planner you can select items to filter for either whitelist or blacklist. I noticed that curved rail and straight rail pieces are separated even though in the game you can only build straight rail. I only selected the straight rail for my whitelist deconstruction planner.
deconstructionplannersettings.png (194.07 KiB) Viewed 1147 times
If you only whitelist the straight rail you can't deconstruct curved pieces and vice versa. I feel like this is unnecessary as we only have one type of rail (the straight rail). I was expecting to only see the straight rail item be selectable and that by selecting it both straight and curved pieces would be removed through the deconstruction tool.
deconstructrail.png (4.22 MiB) Viewed 1147 times
Seems like a hold over from when we had both. Maybe there are some use cases where people would like to differentiate between the two. But I think for most players separating them doesn't need to happen and might cause confusion.

This doesn't affect the blueprint tool because it only contains the straight rail. It also doesn't affect the upgrade tool because you can't upgrade rail to anything else. This doesn't crash the game as it's really just a minor issue that I thought might work better the other way. I came across it as I was deconstructing rails in my oil build and filtered to only rails and signals. I was surprised to see the curved rails stuck around while the straight rails were deconstructed.
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Re: [0.17.43] Deconstruction Planner has separate curved rail and straight rail

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report however that's working as intended.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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