Depedancy requirement

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Depedancy requirement

Post by Mobius1 »

Hello there peepz.
I wanted to ask you about depedancies of mods, in a way that I want my mod to doesn't require modX to work but, if modX is present, then you must also have modXY installed or the game won't work. I like to call it optionally required depedancy, but I don't know how to set it up on the .json string, can anybody help? Or maybe its not possible?

Lemme give you an example:

Code: Select all

  "base >= 0.17.0"
, "? bobmods >= 0.16.0"
, " bobelectronics >= 0.16.0"
Where I want bobelectronics to be a required depedancy only if bobmods is present
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