[0.17.36] macOS 10.14.4 startup crash

Place for things which are bugs but we have no idea how to solve them. Things related to hardware, libraries, strange setups, etc.
Manual Inserter
Manual Inserter
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Joined: Sat May 04, 2019 3:18 am

[0.17.36] macOS 10.14.4 startup crash

Post by thorr18 »

I think it crashed the first time after update but then didn't crash after restart.
I didn't see other bug reports in the forum that stop at AtlasSystem::loadSprites(bool)
Is there a bug tracker I'm supposed to check? Gave it my best effort.


Code: Select all

   0.001 2019-05-03 19:01:37; Factorio 0.17.36 (build 44798, mac, steam)
   0.001 Operating system: macOS 10.14.4
   0.001 Program arguments: "/Users/bem/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/factorio.app/Contents/MacOS/factorio" 
   0.001 Read data path: /Users/bem/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/factorio.app/Contents/data
   0.001 Write data path: /Users/bem/Library/Application Support/factorio [128976/476902MB]
   0.001 Binaries path: /Users/bem/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/factorio.app/Contents
   0.042 System info: [CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4960HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz, 8 cores, RAM: 16384 MB]
   0.042 Display options: [FullScreen: 0] [VSync: 1] [UIScale: automatic (100.0%)] [Native DPI: 1] [Screen: 255] [Special: 00] [Lang: en]
   0.774 Available displays: 1
   0.774  [0]: Color LCD - {[0,0], 1440x900, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888, 60Hz}
   0.839 Initialised OpenGL:[0] NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M OpenGL Engine; driver: 4.1 NVIDIA-12.0.23 355.
   0.839   [Extensions] s3tc:yes; KHR_debug:NO; ARB_clear_texture:NO, ARB_copy_image:NO
   0.839   [Version] 4.1
   0.958 Graphics settings preset: very-high
   0.958   Dedicated video memory size 2048 MB (detected from GeForce GT 750M; VendorID: 0x1022700)
   0.958 Graphics options: [Graphics quality: high] [Video memory usage: all] [Light scale: 25%] [DXT: high-quality]
   0.958                   [Max load threads: 32] [Max texture size: 0] [Tex.Stream.: 0] [Rotation quality: normal] [Color: 32bit]
   1.306 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
   1.396 Loading mod base 0.17.36 (data.lua)
   1.653 Loading mod base 0.17.36 (data-updates.lua)
   1.783 Checksum for core: 1237570159
   1.783 Checksum of base: 1882531248
   2.371 Loading sounds...
   2.711 Info PlayerData.cpp:69: Local player-data.json unavailable
   2.711 Info PlayerData.cpp:72: Cloud player-data.json available, timestamp 1556853201
   2.853 Crop bitmaps.
  38.499 Parallel Sprite Loader initialized (threads: 7)
  46.801 Initial atlas bitmap size is 16384
  46.820 Created atlas bitmap 16384x16364 [none]
  46.822 Created atlas bitmap 16384x11416 [none]
  46.823 Created atlas bitmap 8192x3892 [decal]
  46.823 Created atlas bitmap 16384x4288 [low-object]
  46.823 Created atlas bitmap 2048x192 [icon-background, not-compressed, linear-minification, linear-magnification, linear-mip-level, , no-crop, no-scale]
  46.823 Created atlas bitmap 8192x3552 [mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification, linear-mip-level, no-crop, no-scale]
  46.823 Created atlas bitmap 16384x6880 [terrain, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-mip-level, no-crop]
  46.823 Created atlas bitmap 4096x1600 [smoke, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification]
  46.824 Created atlas bitmap 4096x1408 [not-compressed, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification, linear-mip-level, no-crop, no-scale]
  46.824 Created atlas bitmap 8192x1496 [alpha-mask]
  46.826 Created atlas bitmap 16384x12628 [shadow, linear-magnification, alpha-mask]
  46.826 Created atlas bitmap 8192x2352 [shadow, mipmap, linear-magnification, alpha-mask]
  48.130 Texture processor created (2048). GPU accelerated compression Supported: yes, Enabled: yes/yes. Test passed. YCoCgDXT PSNR: 35.83, BC3 PSNR: 33.82
  50.594 Parallel Sprite Loader initialized (threads: 7)
  60.523 Error CrashHandler.cpp:566: Received SIGSEGV
Factorio crashed. Generating symbolized stacktrace, please wait ...
#1  0x000000010781a792 in Logger::logStacktrace(StackTraceInfo*) + 0x12
#2  0x0000000106fb0490 in CrashHandler::writeStackTrace(CrashHandler::CrashReason) + 0x60
#3  0x0000000107804194 in CrashHandler::commonSignalHandler(int) + 0x74
#4  0x0000000107803599 in CrashHandler::SignalHandler(int) + 0x9
#5  0x00007fff59e4eb5d in _sigtramp + 0x1d
#6  0x0000000106f4c811 in AtlasSystem::loadSprites(bool) + 0xf41
#7  0x0000000106f5a83c in AtlasSystem::tryLoadSpritesWithFallbackToMinimalMode(bool) + 0x2c
#8  0x0000000106f333aa in AtlasSystem::build() + 0x1fa
#9  0x0000000106f2f5e0 in GlobalContext::init(bool, bool, bool, std::__1::optional<WindowPositionData>) + 0x21f0
#10 0x0000000107441fa4 in MainLoop::run(Filesystem::Path const&, Filesystem::Path const&, bool, bool, std::__1::function<void ()>, Filesystem::Path const&, MainLoop::HeavyMode) + 0xe4
#11 0x0000000106a0f293 in main + 0x13b93
Stack trace logging done
  60.535 Error Util.cpp:97: Unexpected error occurred. If you're running the latest version of the game you can help us solve the problem by posting the contents of the log file on the Factorio forums.
Please also include the save file(s), any mods you may be using, and any steps you know of to reproduce the crash.
4233.857 Received SIGTERM, shutting down
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Factorio Staff
Posts: 8211
Joined: Wed Feb 06, 2013 12:00 am

Re: [0.17.36] macOS 10.14.4 startup crash

Post by kovarex »

If it was one time crash, especially when trying to init graphics, I'm inclined to move it to 1/0 magic and call it a day :)
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