Richness % unclear

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Richness % unclear

Post by PandaGOD »

Preview size/richness of ores

What ?
Just like when we are inside a game we can hover over a ore patch and check how much is there. Why not allow that in the preview of the world?

The current richness settings is a bit vague and without actualy going inside the map and check how much there is in the patch there isnt any way of intuitively knowing if 300% is too much or too low for what we want.

The suggestion is to basicaly allow the hover over a patch of ore and check how much ore is actually there without the need to go inside of the map to check them
Why ?
Like i said on the top part, it would help alot to understand what exactly richness means in visible numbers instead of a % that u cant really understand how much it can generate.
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Re: Richness % unclear

Post by zOldBulldog »

Yes please!!!

It should be so simple to implement and yet it is so annoying to choose a size/richness combination only to find out that your ore patches are too rich or too poor.

Combined with that:

- It would be nice to get a marker at the spawn point. It would be so much easier to see how far the various deposits are in relation to where you start, especially after looking around before deciding if you like it.

- Maybe also draw a box around your initial "visible area" and a box around the starter area.

I know we can all kind of guess these things, but seeing it would make life more pleasant and the game more intuitive.
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