[0.17.24] Belt shadows inconsistent at different zoom levels

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Burner Inserter
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[0.17.24] Belt shadows inconsistent at different zoom levels

Post by terronium »

At zoom levels below 0.500 the belt shadows dont seem to anti-alias coherently creating a visual grouping of belts which changes with zoom level. I may be wrong but i didnt notice it before 0.17.24 so it feels like a new bug.

In the attached video the belts would look like getting grouped into different groups as zoom changes.
(See at native resolution 1920x1080 to avoid playback resizing effects hiding the bug)

(10.68 MiB) Downloaded 71 times

Inked20190404014434_1_LI.jpg (2.31 MiB) Viewed 1113 times
Factorio Staff
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Re: [0.17.24] Belt shadows inconsistent at different zoom levels

Post by posila »

Thanks for the report.
It is not new to 0.17.24, it might have been little different in 0.16 based on what graphics settings you used.
I'd like to use some better method for downscaling eventually but it's not priority at the moment.
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