[0.17.23] [Map Editor] Changing map gen settings for non-default surfaces doesn't work

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[0.17.23] [Map Editor] Changing map gen settings for non-default surfaces doesn't work

Post by raiguard »

This is a somewhat hidden bug, but quite easy to reproduce:

1) Open the map editor (whether it be from the main menu or by using /editor
2) Navigate to the Surfaces tab and create a new surface
3) Switch to the newly created surface and click Edit map gen settings
4) Change some map gen settings and click confirm

You will notice by moving around to generate some new chunks that nothing actually changed. If you click the button again, you will see that the settings are still set to what they originally were when you created the map. On the contrary, if you switch back to nauvis and edit some map gen settings there, they will actually be changed and the changes will be reflected in newly generated chunks.

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Re: [0.17.23] [Map Editor] Changing map gen settings for non-default surfaces doesn't work

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. It's now fixed for the next version of 0.17.
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