How to play coop on Steam?

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How to play coop on Steam?

Post by zOldBulldog »

I saw a post that says that the easiest way to do Factorio multiplayer is through Steam. But I cannot find any guides/tutorials on how to do it.

Can someone point me to a tutorial?

Or is it as simple as opening a game in single player, then go to the Steam Friends List, right click on his name and invite the player to join me, as is done in some other games?

In case it is relevant, I expect we will play on 0.17 experimental, as I am already on that one and he is a new player.
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Re: How to play coop on Steam?

Post by booter »

You just have to go to Multiplayer and Host a new game (give it a name + password and click play). Your friend has to go to Multiplayer, too. I dont remember the game menu 100% (I am at work atm), but there is something like "join game". He will then see a new windows which has a list with your game in it (the name you entered) and can join it (give him the password).

Im doing this nearly daily with a friend. If you both have problems just answer here again and I could provide some screenshots.
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