[WIP] 1000 Science/m

Circuit-free solutions of basic factory-design to achieve optimal item-throughput.
Involving: Belts (balancers, crossings), Inserters, Chests, Furnaces, Assembling Devices ...
Optimized production chains. Compact design.
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Circuit-free solutions of basic factory-design to achieve optimal item-throughput
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[WIP] 1000 Science/m

Post by Phantom329 »

I've been redoing my 1000 science per minute setups since the update changed the recipes. I have Red, Green, Gray, and Blue finished but I got stuck on Purple and am starting on Yellow now. I could use some help with Purple because I try to get a good ratio and it ends up a mess. Check out what I have so far and let me know if you guys have any suggestions or ideas.

Here are the first four sciences

Red 1k/m

Green 1k/m

Gray 1k/m

Blue 1k/m

Purple [WIP]

[0.16] Gray 1k/m

[0.16] Blue 1k/m

[0.16] Purple 1k/m

[0.16] Yellow 1k/m
Smart Inserter
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Re: [WIP] 1000 Science/m

Post by Serenity »

Something like this maybe for purple:
https://kirkmcdonald.github.io/calc.htm ... nzX//jDQ==

Or this:
https://kirkmcdonald.github.io/calc.htm ... KkA/+zLw==

Distributing the large number of rails is tricky though. You could do two 2 assemblers with 8 beacons per blue belt (technically only needs 1.8) and direct insert the iron sticks. Then run three blue belts to the science assemblers:
https://kirkmcdonald.github.io/calc.htm ... GH+3d6fQE=

Not sure if I would use direct insertion for the engines. The ratio is almost 2:1 there. So you are having an awful lot of engine assemblers doing nothing
Italian Cuisine
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Re: [WIP] 1000 Science/m

Post by Italian Cuisine »

Mine is also still WIP, and isn't fed enough, but this is my plan for sending overkill rails to purple while keeping full density & beaconage. It'll probably need to be left-fed by tons of stone/steel/rods as well.
rails-to-purple.jpg (479.49 KiB) Viewed 9491 times
It's not spaghetti!
Manual Inserter
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Re: [WIP] 1000 Science/m

Post by bonomel »

I am currently upgrading my base to 1k spm, using my own builds as much as possible. So naturally I stumbled across this thread searching for inspiration when working on my earlier science builds. I incorporated some of your ideas into my builds, which are working great :) thanks for that! To repay the favor I would like to share my build for production (purple) science. One thing of note is that you mentioned perfect ratios. This build has a bit of overcapacity (28 instead of 24 rail assemblers IIRC) on rail production. IMO, it's a small price to pay for everything lining up nicely. It uses direct insertion for iron sticks -> rails -> production science and produces the modules and furnaces on location. I could make it more compact if I wanted, but considering I like my builds to use straight lines as much as possible plus the fact that I consider belt weaving heresy, I am quite happy with how it turned out.

So here it is. Hope it will help you, or if not, anyone else :lol:


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