Yellow splitters are as fast as blue belts

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mieze :3
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Yellow splitters are as fast as blue belts

Post by mieze :3 »


I noticed, that, while taking up more space, basic splitters are just as fast as express transport belts.
While the basic splitter costs two pieces more metal (16 iron + 7.5 copper = 23.5) than the express belt (21.5 iron), the express belt is due to requiring lubricant harder to make, but in relation to the splitter this should be doubled, because the splitter can transport twice as much.

I think, that is unbalanced.

I also tested, how many items fit onto them and here the belts won with twice as much storage than the splitters. (Which each can hold a fraction of item more than one belt, but their size halves that.)

I also noticed, that red belts have a poor compression relative to the other two. (See shot attached.)

I made a gif of the race, but unfortunately, it is too big for the forum and I could neither figure out, how to access it on my shared host web thingy nor login to dropbox. (I cannot see the captcha. And now I am too grumpy, to even try figuring out, what is going on.)
And tthen I made a savegame, but it is too damn big... Dx
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In each chest were thirty eight items. The middle chest still contains four items. It is not the fault of the feeding (yellow) belt. When insertering the items directly on the corresponding belt, the red belt holds three items less than the others. (Well, I should have mirrored the image, but now it is too late.)
In each chest were thirty eight items. The middle chest still contains four items. It is not the fault of the feeding (yellow) belt. When insertering the items directly on the corresponding belt, the red belt holds three items less than the others. (Well, I should have mirrored the image, but now it is too late.)
2014-11-21-211945_1280x1024_scrot.png (260.08 KiB) Viewed 12699 times
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Re: Yellow splitters are as fast as blue belts

Post by ssilk »

This is, cause the splitter takes up the items a bit behind and if free it immediately places it in front, so in truth the items are "warped" through the splitter.

This is only true, if the belts are empty. If they are full, the splitter behave as normal belts.

So, I think rebalancing isn't needed, cause all you have from it is a bit faster speed from single items, but the throughput isn't speeding up. See also ... her_Usages
And there about the "wormhole trick".

But, well, maybe you found a better usage than me. :)

edit: that with the fast belts is interesting. In deed it explains this ... he_results

But I think this will be fixed with v0.12, see ... 801#p53250 and ... s_in_v0.11
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