Belt graphics: one arrow per n tiles

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Belt graphics: one arrow per n tiles

Post by darkfrei »

Can you please add an option by prototype definition that we can make ultra high speed transport belts without stroboscope effect?

Yes, we can set animation slower, but here is still only arrow per tile, then half period without any arrow.

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Re: Belt graphics: one arrow per n tiles

Post by pleegwat »

You would have to make different tiles display different frames of the animation based on their position. This is not generically possible. Consider a looping belt over 4 tiles: this can only be displayed correctly if the pattern repeats 1, 2, or 4 tiles. For a looping belt over 6 tiles, the pattern must repeat every 1, 2, 3, or 6 tiles. Taking the intersection of these, the pattern must repeat every 1 or 2 tiles just considering these two 'loop' cases.

Since the grid is square, loops over an odd number of tiles are impossible.
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