Wondering if someone could make a mod for me

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Wondering if someone could make a mod for me

Post by thygguy »

I was wondering if any mod makers could make a couple mods. I would like a mod with lvl 4 assembly machines that are twice as fast as a lvl 3. And a mod lvl 2 smelter that's twice as fast. I know some mods like factorio++ has this but I don't want titanium plates and everything else that comes with that mod. Basically double speed machines for a 10k SPM megabase with less machines for UPS reasons. I would try myself but I'm completely useless at making mods. Thanks for your time.
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Re: Wondering if someone could make a mod for me

Post by orzelek »

Did you try with bobassembly?
It might give you few more tiers but should do what you want. It also works only with boblib so no fancy materials should be needed.
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Re: Wondering if someone could make a mod for me

Post by thygguy »

I will give that a try. Thank you.
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Re: Wondering if someone could make a mod for me

Post by GrumpyJoe »

thygguy wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2019 7:51 pm Basically double speed machines for a 10k SPM megabase with less machines for UPS reasons. I would try myself but I'm completely useless at making mods.
this mod should be one of the easiest tasks, since you only want existing machines with different properties.

If you start with a mod like that, https://wiki.factorio.com/Tutorial:Modd ... al/Gangsir is a very nice walkthrough of taking an item and tinkering with its stats only (of you ignore the path of fire). You´d need to find out what stats to change tho, but that would be the hardest part.
If you are not happy with Bobs machines, and really dont want to make it yourself, I could give it a try just for the fun of it, as im unsure what to try next.
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Re: Wondering if someone could make a mod for me

Post by thygguy »

@GrumpyJoe. That would be great if you would like to try and make the mod. I will also keep trying I do want to learn how but I don't have lots of time because of real life work lol. But ya basically a mod with double speed machines, assemblers, smelters, refineries, chemical plants, pumpjacks. Make them obviously more expensive to craft and maybe produce twice the pollution also for balancing. Bob's and other mods have more stuff that comes with it then needed which I can deal with but would rather not.
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Re: Wondering if someone could make a mod for me

Post by GrumpyJoe »

Yeah, balance was the first thing i thought about. Would make it space science, like 1k, reachable with the first rocket
Machines would all cost additinal blue circuits and maybe concrete(?), thinking of a good amount right now.
Also, since i dont know much about 0.17 vanilla, there could be things like low density structures involved in making these, something i need to read about

I wouldnt double the speed tho. Maybe 1.75 max, Mk3 Assembler is 1.25
Another module slot, maybe with another level of modules, would give you far more in terms of space and UPS needed.
Even without new modules, a lab with another module slot will boost science "crafted" per minute alot, without even increasing science flask production

Just making the crafting cost of these machines very high isn´t very satisfying, as i can tell from building 10k SPM with Bobs MK8 modules and Mk6 assemblers, science build fits in a space where i would normally build a vanilla 1000S/10min base.

But as i wouldn´t use that mod myself (prefer more complex stuff), you can suggest whatever you want, even Spaceballs ludicrous speed machines ;)

two things:
I actively play on a server on a daily basis, with my limited modding knowledge this isn´t something i will finish "tomorrow", not even if i´d use it myself.
Maybe I´ll find some serious time over the weekend. Evenings after server play aren´t exactly whats good for concentration and creativity.

If recoloring is as easy as learning that "tint" commands i read about, i can probably do it, otherwise they´d look the same as vanilla machines.
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