[0.17.8] Inconsistent behavior: F will pick up items from enemy belts, but inserters will not.

We are aware of them, but they have low priority. We have more important things to do. They go here in order not to take space in the main bug thread list.
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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[0.17.8] Inconsistent behavior: F will pick up items from enemy belts, but inserters will not.

Post by H0lyD4wg »

Steps to reproduce:
  1. Download the attached scenario and start playing. When you start the scenario, anything inside the large hazard-concrete square belongs to the player's force, while structures outside that square belong to a hostile force called "rival". An iron chest inside the square contains items you will need for the next steps.
  2. Locate a belt loop with wooden chests on it to your west. Place a fast inserter next to the belt. The inserter will not pick up items from the belt.
  3. Stand next to the belt loop and press F. The wooden chests will be removed from the belt and placed into your inventory.
[Expected: consistent behavior. It should be possible to remove items from the belt using both F and inserters, or impossible with either.]

Scenario: download/file.php?id=44481
Log: download/file.php?id=44480
Factorio Staff
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Re: [0.17.8] Inconsistent behavior: F will pick up items from enemy belts, but inserters will not.

Post by Twinsen »

The way we handle forces is not well defined.
Some things work, some don't, and it's mostly random or based on what seems reasonable or what the code was written to do at the time or what seems fair for the official PvP scenario.

For example the inserter that is not taking from the belt gets powered from the enemy electric network. That's another inconsistency.

For now we mostly leave things as they are or change them only if they would be more fun in pvp. Stealing from an enemy's belt is an interesting situation in pvp.

We mostly fix exploits such as opening enemy gates using the circuit network.
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