Hellmod (Planer) are useles for me for the smallest common denominator or im to stupid about it.
I wont say the endproduct like red science and the mod say to me the ratio for the factory like e.g. 1 gear factory to 6 copper oven to 10 red science factorys (dont know the correct ratios, thats why im looking for a mod ).
With hellmod planer i must set a huge productnumber, klicks all 20 middle products (by complicated products), have a huge unreadable list and must manualy decrease the productnumber to the point who some product have only one factory. This is realy not comftable.
Or i must type it in excel - also not realy the best.
Code: Select all
In sec: 5 1,6 24 6
Recource: 8
Product: (*15 to get the full numbers)
In sec: 1,5
Rec. need: 2 1,3 20 5
But i cant do this for all the recipes.
I search for a mod (Ingame function) that do what excel do if i used this:
Code: Select all
1| |Second |Prod. |per sec x prod.|many Fact. | 5| |
2|Fab1 | 5| 8| 1,60| 5| | |
3|Fab2 | 1,5| 2| 1,33| 6| | |
For all people who want it to calculate at selfe
Sorry its the german formula
I think maybe the english functions are
VERGLEICH = compare?
WAHR = true?
MAX = max?
Zeile = line?
MIN = min?
WENN = if?
So F1 are maybe: F1 =compaire(true;REST(MAX(D2:D3)*line($A$1:$A$1000);MIN(D2:D3))<0,0000001;)
For F1: strg+shift+Enter to close the cell.
F1 =VERGLEICH(WAHR;REST(MAX(D2:D3)*ZEILE($A$1:$A$1000);MIN(D2:D3))<0,0000001;)
D2 =C2/B2
E2 =WENN(D3<D2;F1;D3*F1/D2)
D3 =C3/B3
E3 =WENN(D3>D2;F1;D2*F1/D3)
(F1 are just for the excelcalculateing)
There is an alternative code for same thing:
Code: Select all
1 Sec. Prod. many Fact
2 Fab1 5 8 12 6
3 Fab2 1,5 2 10 5
In D2: =C2*B3
In D3: =C3*B2
In E2: =D2/GGT($D$2:$D$3)
In E3: =D3/GGT($D$2:$D$3)