What should be process in each tick? (Guide lines)

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What should be process in each tick? (Guide lines)

Post by Sworn »

What should be process in each tick? (Guide lines).

That isn't a factorio specific question, but factorio uses it so I may try to use it as an example.

I'm trying to find the basics ideas of what you process in each tick in some specific object, or entity, that need to notify other objects about a change.
That notification itself will cause more notifications in a chain.

So my question is, how do approach this situation? There should be some guide lines on what you do and what you don't do.
  • For example, the start object tell his "neighbor" that it has changed;
  • Or it don't tell and the "neighbor" looks if someone has changed around it;
  • Or you tell the "neighbor" but it doesn't send the message or do anything, just store it and look into it in the next tick;
I know we can make all those situations possible, but I'm just guessing the best way to approach this. We should have something written in somewhere that help you in those scenario.
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Re: What should be process in each tick? (Guide lines)

Post by DaveMcW »

The best way is to implement all 3 versions, then measure performance for each.
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