Advanced animation techniques

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Advanced animation techniques

Post by Stragemque »

TLDR: Example mods or dev files that show how scripting can be used to make animations.

I am trying to develop a landing pad entity, where a rocket would land as a means of delivering colonists for the mod I'm making.

So far I have a graphic, for the lander the landing pad and some smoke animation I made in blender.

Here are the graphics I have so far in the GitHub reppo, and the other folder with the src files, and some experimentation.

The absolute best would be to have it come down from off screen and land, the reverse of a rocket launch. I realise this might be unrealistic, (either the api or my knowledge of it). Something, where the rocket entity spawns a little above the landing site and slowly descends, would be great. From what I gather this would require some scripting but I have no idea where to start and the dev files don't really show this, or at least I don't know where to look.

Another question would be what entity type is best for this? I have made it an assembling machine but maybe the silo would be better? Could use the %complete to trigger animations, i.e. at 40% the rocket landing animation is started, and at 100% the rocket is removed producing the colonists as output.
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