Train position options at Train Station

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Train position options at Train Station

Post by SamVosh »

An option to allow trains to stop 1 space further at the train station.
What ?
Due to the odd numbered cart/locomotive on a train. It adds 7 spaces from the station. Since the stations are on a 2x2 grid overlayed on the normal grid. This makes opposite orientated trains not horizontally/vertically alligned. See picture:
20180721134830_1.jpg (1.01 MiB) Viewed 832 times
So an option to change that allignment.
Why ?
I think it will be a small quality of life change. Especially for the OCD kind of people where they make something like in the picture. It would allow for more train size variations, not needing to choose even numbered length of trains. People who would follow the default 5 train spaces would not run into this allignment problem. And single direction trains will be slightly more viable in my opinion.
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Re: Train position options at Train Station

Post by Tekky »

I agree that it is not good that train carriages have a length of 7 and therefore do not align to the grid.

This problem has already been discussed in the following thread:
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=27342 Can't line up train stops with each other
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