I am looking for a mod to remove the stacking effect of beacons or alternatively a mod with a cap for the speed bonus that modules can provide to buildings.
I like the idea of beacons but I find them way to powerful.
Any tips on any mods that can help me with this is highly appreciated.
Mod to remove the stacking effect of beacons
Re: Mod to remove the stacking effect of beacons
Just put it into data.lua:
and set up info.json:
Put this two files into order "/Factorio/Mods/no-speed-effect-beacons_0.0.1" (like in mod name)
That's all.
Code: Select all
data.raw.beacon.beacon.allowed_effects = {"consumption", "pollution"}
Code: Select all
"name": "no-speed-effect-beacons",
"version": "0.0.1",
"factorio_version": "0.16",
"title": "No Speed Effect Beacons",
"description": "Now beacons allowing consumption and pollution effects only; productivity and speed effects are disabled",
"author": "My Nickname",
"dependencies": ["base"]
That's all.