Force wagons to fully unload?

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Force wagons to fully unload?

Post by PhatzDomino »

Hello All,

Quick one really, how do you make trains fully unload their cargo at their destination?. I often see trains going back to the depot with cargo still in the wagons and would like to stop that.

Any help would be great

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Re: Force wagons to fully unload?

Post by jodokus31 »

I don't know, what exactly your setup is like....
But the usual problem is, that the provider tries to load more into train as possible and the loading inserters have items in its hands, which are loaded to the next train, no matter if the item is requested in the next train, which is then polluted.
This is due to the massive stack-capacity bonus. f.e. 2 cargo wagon, 12 inserters with stack-capacity 12. It loads 144 at once. So, if 2 slots * 50(ore stack size) = 100 items are free, it tries to load 144 and 44 cannot be loaded.

To prevent this, you can set "locked slots per wagon" signal, which create smaller deliveries than the actual cargo size
In the example you should set it to 3

The question is also, how to handle the overflow items, which may happen from time to time. Do you really want to unload them all at the requester station? It may be a totally wrong item if you have providers with multiple items.
There is a thread in this forum, which deals with the handling of leftover items and how they can be treated at the depot....
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Re: Force wagons to fully unload?

Post by PhatzDomino »

Hello Jodokus

Thanks for your reply, My main base is somewhat complicated (See link) but I only want to use LTN for a very simple purpose. I just want the trains to go from the depot, fill up at one of the numerous outposts then wait until it is empty at the destination then return to the depot, empty of course... I have to confess I miss understood how LTN worked when making this setup because I thought you had separate depots for each cargo type, but after starting to add more trains I realised that's not how it works lol. Having all trains going to different depots is fine I just need them to be empty in case they go and do something different. Hope that makes.

Again thanks any help :)

PS. On further investigation, it seems the wait condition that is set to "or 120 seconds passed" is the issue, I know you can increase it in the settings but can you turn it off altogether? ... 5.png?dl=0
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Re: Force wagons to fully unload?

Post by jodokus31 »

I didnt open the map, but it sounds like your inserters are too slow, if 120 seconds are to long for unloading. Or you have a big cargo mod.
I don't know, if the wait condition can be switch off, but a very big value is similar unless you did something wrong.

For your purpose, a normal vanilla schedule maybe ok, too.
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Re: Force wagons to fully unload?

Post by Optera »

LTN has two options adding times to schedules:

Finish loading
adds "AND 2 seconds passed"
I strongly recommend keeping this enabled for controlled unloading behavior.

Stop timeout (ticks)
adds "OR n seconds passed"
default is 7200 ticks = 2 min. Normally that's long enough for a single stack inserter to clean out a wagon.
setting it to 0 will turn it off
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