To use, replace YOUR-MOD with your mod
Download Count:
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
To generate other ones you can scroll to the Dynamic section on and enter these values:
Data Type: JSON
Name: This is the text before the number, like "downloads" 510
Query: One of these
Code: Select all
$.downloads_count - The number of downloads
$.name - The name of the project
$.owner - The owner of the project
$.title - The title of the project
$.releases[0].version - The version of the first release
$.releases[0].info_json.factorio_version - The factorio version of the first release
$.releases[-1:].version - The version of the latest release
$.releases[-1:].info_json.factorio_version - The factorio version of the latest release
Hex Color: Choose a color from and copy the value starting with a #