forced ratio splitter

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forced ratio splitter

Post by facade11663 »

an option it the splitter to force an input ratio so for example to have copper plates and gears being fed from 2 belts on the same side force 50:50 with a full belt of copper it will wait for the gear to release one copper

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Re: forced ratio splitter

Post by Engimage »

Not gonna happen.
Devs released priority splitters ONLY because they got themselves kinda cornered by bots vs belt shitbomb.
So no modifications to splitter behaviour will ever happen again. All those tasks you are trying to solve are supposed to be solved by your own contraptions as a part of the puzzle the game offers.
For example your task can already be solved using combinators stopping belts. And anything that can already be done using in-game tools without some rediculous complexity will not be added to base game. Feel free to make a mod for yourself or post a mod request and maybe some modder will develop it for you.
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Re: forced ratio splitter

Post by dood »

And besides, why would you use quarter-belts?
Nothing halfway-serious can be supported by that. Half-belts have a dreadfully low throughput already and then you have the added headache of dealing with overflow.
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Re: forced ratio splitter

Post by ickputzdirwech »

dood wrote:And besides, why would you use quarter-belts?
Nothing halfway-serious can be supported by that.
I think they would be quite useful if you want compact setups for example blue science. They need three ingredients in fairly low quantities. Having all ingredients on one belt would be pretty convenient.

But as mentioned earlier, you can do it already with circuitconditions (and if I would really care about thousands of items stuck on belts doing nothing I would probably use them ;) )
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Re: forced ratio splitter

Post by McDuff »

combinator belt mixer.PNG
combinator belt mixer.PNG (781.51 KiB) Viewed 2495 times
One combinator will do this, with more than one item if you need it (you may get odd ratios if you don't use even numbers).

Set the first belt column to read-hold and the second row to switch on if A = 1.

(I admit I spent far too long doing multiple-combinator solutions that didn't work well before I realised this way worked).
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