A Fireless locomotive — a steam locomotive of conventional type except that it has no firebox (and, accordingly, a chimney), its steam being obtained from an outside source, stored, and admitted to the cylinders at reduced pressure as required called also steam storage locomotive. The steam necessary for its operation is not produced on the locomotive itself, but on a stationary installation, from where it periodically pumped into the locomotive steam boiler-accumulator. The steam boiler of such a locomotive is structurally a closed cylindrical vessel with reinforced thermal insulation. When preparing a non-stop locomotive for operation, the boiler is filled with water by 60-70%, after which one or several nozzles are pumped into it superheated high-pressure steam, which heats the water to a boil. In operation, the steam pressure in the boiler gradually decreases, which leads to a decrease in its evaporation temperature, and the water in the boiler again boils, thereby adding another pair.
Plus: This allows you to use steam for the movement of the train, and accordingly to save fuel, only for the train.
Minus: It will take a lot of stations / filling stations to produce steam, this will lead to air pollution.
p.s. In parallel (if we do not take into account the production of steam), you can connect a generator, which will produce energy, otherwise at some point in time the station will be idle and consume resources.
http://www.douglas-self.com/MUSEUM/LOCO ... a/soda.htm