Current version: 1.0.0
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Definitely, I actually wrote a mod that gives me double inventory size myself, but havn't released it. I think someone found the line that does it commented out in one of my mods.SHiRKiT wrote:When playing with 20+ mods, this is a nice feature to have, since you end up stacking tons of stuff on the inventory all the time since everything requires different raw intermediary products.
Nahbobingabout wrote:... I think someone found the line that does it commented out in one of my mods.
I didn't actually mean you, someone in my forum topics commented on the commented out line.Rseding91 wrote:Nahbobingabout wrote:... I think someone found the line that does it commented out in one of my mods.
currently not possible, due to the way researchs are defined by the game, you can only research an effect if it has been pre-defined by the devs. since there is no feature to upgrade your inventory in the base game, you can't expand upon that with mods.Kane wrote:Thank you for this. I love having a bigger main inventory. I find the current one smaller. I hope there is upgrades aka research for this. If not consider maybe adding it down the road. It would be fun to research each added row.
This mod doesn't touch stack sizes. Just the player inventory size.Dellamonikus wrote:Well fuck.
I installed the mod, it set some stack sizes down from 200 to 50 and now...well...the inventories are kinda smaller...
I didnt realise early enough and saved the game, how can I delete the mod changes from the map? I've deleted the mod!
Couldn't a workaround be to define different player prototypes with different inventory sizes. Once an upgrade is researched have control.lua swap the old prototype with the new one?bobingabout wrote:currently not possible, due to the way researchs are defined by the game, you can only research an effect if it has been pre-defined by the devs. since there is no feature to upgrade your inventory in the base game, you can't expand upon that with mods.
That might be possible but the swapping of the player with the new one while maintaining the inventory would be tricky and problem ridden.Choumiko wrote:Couldn't a workaround be to define different player prototypes with different inventory sizes. Once an upgrade is researched have control.lua swap the old prototype with the new one?bobingabout wrote:currently not possible, due to the way researchs are defined by the game, you can only research an effect if it has been pre-defined by the devs. since there is no feature to upgrade your inventory in the base game, you can't expand upon that with mods.
Have the research throw up a button on screen that says "Upgrade Inventory" clicking on it tells you to empty your inventory first. Any reserved and/or logistic slots would probably need to be redone after. Not sure on the last part since I have no idea how the code works.Rseding91 wrote:That might be possible but the swapping of the player with the new one while maintaining the inventory would be tricky and problem ridden.
The cursed exp mod has a tomb stone integrated which saved the items a player has when he dies. Maybe you are allowed to borrow some code?Rseding91 wrote:That might be possible but the swapping of the player with the new one while maintaining the inventory would be tricky and problem ridden.Choumiko wrote:Couldn't a workaround be to define different player prototypes with different inventory sizes. Once an upgrade is researched have control.lua swap the old prototype with the new one?bobingabout wrote:currently not possible, due to the way researchs are defined by the game, you can only research an effect if it has been pre-defined by the devs. since there is no feature to upgrade your inventory in the base game, you can't expand upon that with mods.