Crash logs for mod related crashes

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Crash logs for mod related crashes

Post by Jelmergu »

When I inavertently created a crash during development of a mod, I wondered what happens with the crash logs that are generated after a chrash from a mod(incorrect configuration of something or another). It might be beneficial to the modder if he could have a way of knowing that his/her mod causes a crash in certain cases. I expect that most modders test their mods to make certain that it doesn't happen, but you can't test everything.

You'd think that the mod portal could have a extra tab with data about those crashes. It would be usefull then that the mod portal finally also starts to send emails to the modders.

This is of course something that would only be needed if a lot of crash logs are related to mods, and I woudn't want the developers to spent time on something that is never used
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