[kovarex] [0.16.22] Priority Splitter bug

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[kovarex] [0.16.22] Priority Splitter bug

Post by Atijaf »

With the new release of priority splitters, I believe I found a bug in which a splitter WILL NOT prioritize a belt. I am unsure of how to replicate this issue, as it does not always happen.
The issue is with the second splitter. My only thoughts are when the input goes from a somewhat saturated belt to a saturated belt, or when the sides of which the contents are rapidly swap, that it sometimes occurs.
It could also be something to do with the first splitter interfering with the second splitter.


Also, it begins to work after I stop resources from flowing for a couple of seconds

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Re: [kovarex] [0.16.22] Priority Splitter bug

Post by kovarex »

I can't reproduce it, can you provide a save?
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