Let's say I have requesters A through Z, each with different circuit-network connections. A has "set requests from circuit network" set; B-Z do not; they have no requests set, and nothing in them physically. And let's say requester "A" is currently requesting something really expensive: 48 Rocket Silos (lord knows why, perhaps I am making a fireworks display or something). Now I want to configure chests B-Z to also set requests from the circuit network. I've already set up all the circuits so that all the right data are on the various wires to get the stuff I need; I just need to change their configuration so they will set requests from the network.
Instead of manually going into each chest and checking the box, I have a better idea: I'll just copy the configuration of chest "A" and paste that onto all the other chests so that they will also set requests from the circuit network. This will save me precious minutes that I would have otherwise spent manually opening each chest's gui and checking the box. However, I am in for a surprise. When I copy chest "A", I have not only copied the checkbox, but the request for 48 rocket silos. So when I paste "A"'s configuration onto each additional chest, here is what actually happens:
- Tick 0: The chest is configured to request 48 rocket silos and to set requests from the circuit network.
- Tick 1: 48 Rocket silos are scheduled for delivery to the chest. The chest now changes it's request to whatever it is actually supposed to be, according to the circuit network.
- Tick 2: The correct contents of the chest are also scheduled for delivery.
Of course once I learn the hard way that this is how it works, I could just connect a chest to a power pole via a red wire, and copy-paste from that to avoid the whole problem. But this behavior definitely did not do what I meant. Furthermore, I can't see any benefit to copy-pasting both the requests and the contents of the checkbox for a chest which will be immediately changing its requests, in the next tick, to the contents of a connected circuit network.
So, my request is that, when pasting the information from a chest configured to set requests from the circuit network onto a second chest which is indeed physically connected to a circuit network, the requests not be copied (even though it's in the "clipboard" virtually), and only the checkbox be applied. Likewise, when blueprinting a chest configured to set requests from the circuit network, I would propose the game also does not copy the actual requests, if either the chest is physically connected to a circuit network, or configured to become so, in the blueprint application process (a determination that notably could only be made after the game has decided which entities are going to be placed, and which not, if the blueprint is being ordered to be constructed with the shift key depressed, which could still lead to some wierd unexpected requests getting filled, .... I guess another idea would be to just ignore the issue that the circuit network might not actually be connectable and not copy the requests, regardless, if the item was connected in the original blueprint).