[Oxyd][Linux] Moving UI outside the primary screen crashes

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Burner Inserter
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[Oxyd][Linux] Moving UI outside the primary screen crashes

Post by ZereoX »

Having the mouse cursor leave the boundaries of the primary monitor while dragging a menu item, will cause the game to hang and subsequently crash to the desktop.

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Launch Steam on a computer with a multi-monitor configuration.
  2. Launch Factorio.
  3. Once the game is loaded, drag the start up menu outside of the Primary Monitor (see 0:15).
  4. This can also be reproduced with the Menu, Inventory, Production Menu, etc... while in-game (See 0:52).
  • Issue can be reproduced on 0.16.7 (Oldest available 0.16 build)
  • Issue could not be reproduced on 0.15.x
  • Issue could not be reproduced on Windows 10 on exact configuration.
System Specifications:
Memory: 31.4 GB
Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-4690K CPU @ 4.50GHz
Graphics: GeForce GTX 1080 (390.12 Linux-x86_64)
Base System: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 64-bit

Youtube Reproduction
Main Menu Log
In-Game Log
System Report
Monitor Layout
Monitor Layout
Monitor Layout.png (145.01 KiB) Viewed 2617 times
System Report.pdf
Computer System Report
(277.41 KiB) Downloaded 321 times
Inventory Crash.log
Game Log associated with the game crashing while in-game.
(5.28 KiB) Downloaded 290 times
Main Menu Crash.log
Game Log associated with the game crashing while on the main menu.
(5.31 KiB) Downloaded 321 times
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Re: [Oxyd][Linux] Moving UI outside the primary screen crashes

Post by Oxyd »

Thanks, fixed in 0.16.17.
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