However, once getting it ingame, it refused to be placed in the modded furnace. the normal "X can not be used in Y" error.
To set the scene, my Chargers had the following tag:
allowed_effects = {"speed", "pollution"},
(multiple times I copied the line from the regular furnace, and deleted what I didn't need)
The modules had variations on the following code:
Code: Select all
type = "module",
name = "chargepack-enhanced-electrodes-2",
icon = "__ModularChargePacks__/graphics/electrode-module-2.png",
icon_size = 32,
flags = {"goes-to-main-inventory"},
subgroup = "chargepacks",
category = "electrodes",
tier = 2,
order = "d[chargepack]-c[enhanced-electrodes-2]",
stack_size = 50,
default_request_amount = 10,
effect =
pollution = {bonus = 0.25},
speed = {bonus = 0.30}
limitation = {"chargepack-small-fullycharged-normal"
limitation_message_key = "enhanced-electrodes-only-in-rapid-charger"
After some exploring, I was able to notice the following:
- by default, all Modules refused to enter the Charger. I could place them in a regular furnace when it was NOT working.
- If I added the normal allowed_effects for a furnace to the Charger, it works fine.
- I tried removing the Limitations, no change to Charger
- I tried removing the Consumption from base speed-module, still refused to go in the Charger, but would go in a regular furnace.
- removing all allowed_effects but Speed from the Charger, refused all modules.
- switched the charger to ONLY allowed_effects of "consumption", and suddenly the speed-module without consumption wanted to go in.
- charger with allowed_effects of "consumption" and "pollution" did not accept my modules, but did accept the base modules.
- tested regular allowed_effects list again, worked everything.
- tried allowed_effects = {"speed", "consumption", "pollution"}, and it suddenly accepted my modules, as well as base speed and efficiency modules.
(And before anyone asks, no, I cant just make the module effect consumption. The consumption of the Chargers is VERY specific to use the correct amount of power from your network to charge the Chargepacks.)