Anyone got these rail blueprints?

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Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Joined: Tue May 17, 2016 12:24 am

Anyone got these rail blueprints?

Post by bearcoco »

Anyone got the blueprints from Zisteau's meiosis series on Youtube? I tried the link he has to them but the website he posted them on no longer exists. If no one has then the maybe point me to where someone else might have what he made. Zisteau made a 2 lane rail way along with using the space for solar & accumulator setup to use the un-used space around rails, he made really good junctions too.

Heres Zisteau's playlist of the rail setups Im talking about: ... XYpCE4UIr3

(Skip to like Ep #3 or #4 to skip the starter stuff like getting iron, stone, and copper.)
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