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Post by KiiNGKiiLL »

Before I get to what this post is about, this could have been posted in either the "Tools" section or, obviously, "General." I actually flipped a coin to decide, but if any mods feel it would be better positioned in the other section, I apologize for making things difficult. Also, it's quite possible that this has been posted before and I didn't see it during my search. Again, I apologize if that's the case.

Anyway, today I was looking around and I noticed that there were some colors I could apply to my character, specifically these colors - black, blue, brown, cyan, gray, green, orange, pink, purple, red, white, and yellow.
This is all fine and dandy and it's a hell of a lot easier to just type out the name of a color and be done with it, but when I tried to change my color to blue - it being my favorite and all, - it came out looking more like purple than anything else and we don't want that.

So, again I did some digging and discovered that I could use RGBA codes which allows players to choose the EXACT color they want. I continued my search to try and find some info on using those kind of codes and found zilch, zero, nada. I took matter into my own hands and discovered THIS website and figured I'd share it with everyone.

In case you're not sure which slider does what, - from top to bottom it goes, color, saturation, brightness, and opacity. The opacity slider doesn't need to be adjusted and should be left on 1.
Once you have the color you want, the code is under the sliders in the center. Just hop back into your game, either singleplayer or multiplayer(it works on both,) hit the tilde(~) button to open the console, and type /color and your code. It should look something like this, "/color 0 62 133". Just input the 3 numbers, don't include the parenthesis, commas, or the fourth number.

Now, with all of that said, there was absolutely NO reason for me to type as much as I did here and I feel silly for doing so, but I've always figured if I'm gonna post a thread, I'm gonna put some effort into it.
If you read everything, you the real MVP. For everyone else...

TL;DR - Click THIS, pick your color, go back into your game and type /color and use only the 3 numbers. It should look like this - "/color 0 62 133"
Last edited by KiiNGKiiLL on Thu Dec 07, 2017 7:43 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Krazykrl »

Yep... That's a standard color picker. (Hex)Decimal triple/quad RGB(A) color is ubiquitous in software engineering. 0.16 should bring a fantastic improvement in your player color and vehicles... outlined in this 2-week old FFF:
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Post by impetus maximus »

good tip on custom colors. thanks

would like to add if you play with mods, check out Mooncat's color picker mods.
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Post by KiiNGKiiLL »

Good grief, I have no idea where my head was at when I posted this. I've been a digital artist/graphic designer for a little over ten years now and it never registered with me - even though it was staring me right in the face, - that I was sharing something that wasn't even remotely new, nor did it have any need to be shared. The abbreviation RGB stands for red, green, blue; which are channels and all that's different about RGBA is the alpha/opacity channel. There are PLENTY of places someone could grab the color wanted, be it from a program like Photoshop or a random color website, either way; this thread was a literal waste of time for all parties involved. I'm beyond embarrassed and it's not surprising I'd go and make a fool of myself already. I would delete this, but I'm not seeing the option if it's there. If any mods happen to take a peek in here, would you mind making this go away? I would appreciate it greatly. Thank yooooouuuu!
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Post by Gergely »

Hexcolortool is something I was searching for about half a year. Then I ended up programming my own. I'm just as much clueless with search engines.

It's not better or anything, it can have two colors selected at once, it can mix colors, it has four supported models, and pipette.
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