New logistic application for rockets: beaming (Star Trek style).What ?
Suggestion is to introduce a new satellite type - beaming satellite - and two chests to go with it (beaming requester and beaming provider chests).Once launched into orbit, the beaming satellite is capable of beaming a certain amount of resources from placed provider chests and into requester chests. Throughput of a single satellite is quite low, but it doesn't depend on distance. If there are more requests for beaming than the beaming satellites can satisfy, requests will be picked at random up to the satellites' capacity.
Maybe: player's modules to enable resource beaming to/from player.
Why ?
The game currently lacks an option for "low throughput large distance" transportation. A typical application would be a supply line to remote outposts - right now player is forced to build a major supply line (railway, train, storage, refueling, bots etc) even if the outpost only needs a dozen ammo cartridges and couple repair packs per hour. This severely limits player's options as far as exploration and outpost construction is concerned.Another useful application would be low-volume products like blue circuits.
Player's resupply in the field would also be quite helpful, allowing for longer and more ambitious rangings.
Beaming has extremely low CPU load (no moving objects at all!), so a megabase with a large number of rockets launched could increasingly replace logistic networks with map-wide beaming, thus improving game FPS.