Mod Interface Organizer Option

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Posts: 40
Joined: Thu Jun 30, 2016 12:57 am

Mod Interface Organizer Option

Post by Lezreth »

An option in the main escape menu to allow mod's gui windows to be reorganized, and scroll bar when mods do go off screen.

What ?
In the escape menu I would like to see an option that allows the user to reorganize the mod windows that use the horizontal/vertical snap-bars, and a scroll bar when mod windows go off screen, as seen below.

Why ?
Mods that have gui windows which use the vertical/horizontal snap-bar can quickly take up a lot of space and go off screen. With a menu option allowing us to reorganize windows, we can give priority to the mods that are accessed most frequently and scroll to the ones that can't be reached.
Factorio Mods Run Off Screen.jpg
Factorio Mods Run Off Screen.jpg (243.2 KiB) Viewed 984 times
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