Expose LuaGuiElement.type = 'entity-preview'(?) to the API

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Smart Inserter
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Expose LuaGuiElement.type = 'entity-preview'(?) to the API

Post by eradicator »

The animated real-time preview used in opened machine GUIs is not currently available to mods. Please expose it to the API.
This preview:
animated_preview.png (70.32 KiB) Viewed 859 times
This is different from the camera widget as it only renders the entity without any surface tiles or surrounding things cluttering the view. (And hopefully is also cheaper to render). It's also used in the hover-over tooltip for player.selected entities without the grey background. So supplying it without the background would be preferred. (I'm guessing the background in the machine GUI is just another widget anyway.)
To better mimic the look of base factorio interfaces.
Author of: Belt Planner, Hand Crank Generator, Screenshot Maker, /sudo and more.
Mod support languages: 日本語, Deutsch, English
My code in the post above is dedicated to the public domain under CC0.
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