I grabbed all the relevant code from the base game and worked through the issues but this one has me stumped, I don't know what it's problem is.
Code: Select all
6.607 Mods to disable:Failed to load mods: Path __green-belt__/graphics/entity/turbo-splitter/turbo-splitter-east.png does not match any enabled mod.: __green-belt__/graphics/entity/turbo-splitter/turbo-splitter-east.png
Code: Select all
type = "splitter",
name = "turbo-splitter",
icon = "__green-belt__/graphics/icons/turbo-splitter.png",
flags = {"placeable-neutral", "player-creation"},
minable = {hardness = 0.2, mining_time = 0.5, result = "turbo-splitter"},
max_health = 190,
corpse = "medium-remnants",
resistances =
type = "fire",
percent = 60
collision_box = {{-0.9, -0.4}, {0.9, 0.4}},
selection_box = {{-0.9, -0.5}, {0.9, 0.5}},
animation_speed_coefficient = 32,
structure_animation_speed_coefficient = 1.2,
structure_animation_movement_cooldown = 10,
belt_horizontal = turbo_belt_horizontal, -- specified in transport-belt-pictures.lua
belt_vertical = turbo_belt_vertical,
ending_top = turbo_belt_ending_top,
ending_bottom = turbo_belt_ending_bottom,
ending_side = turbo_belt_ending_side,
starting_top = turbo_belt_starting_top,
starting_bottom = turbo_belt_starting_bottom,
starting_side = turbo_belt_starting_side,
ending_patch = ending_patch_prototype,
fast_replaceable_group = "splitter",
speed = 0.09375,
structure =
north =
filename = "__green-belt__/graphics/entity/turbo-splitter/turbo-splitter-north.png",
frame_count = 32,
line_length = 16,
priority = "extra-high",
width = 83,
height = 36,
shift = {0.21875, 0},
hr_version =
filename = "__green-belt__/graphics/entity/turbo-splitter/hr-turbo-splitter-north.png",
frame_count = 32,
line_length = 8,
priority = "extra-high",
width = 164,
height = 70,
shift = {0.265625, 0},
scale = 0.5
east =
filename = "__green-belt__/graphics/entity/turbo-splitter/turbo-splitter-east.png",
frame_count = 32,
line_length = 16,
priority = "extra-high",
width = 51,
height = 80,
shift = {0.109375, -0.03125},
hr_version =
filename = "__green-belt__/graphics/entity/turbo-splitter/hr-turbo-splitter-east.png",
frame_count = 32,
line_length = 8,
priority = "extra-high",
width = 93,
height = 157,
shift = {0.148438, -0.179688},
scale = 0.5
south =
filename = "__green-belt__/graphics/entity/turbo-splitter/turbo-splitter-south.png",
frame_count = 32,
line_length = 16,
priority = "extra-high",
width = 85,
height = 35,
shift = {0.140625, -0.015625},
hr_version =
filename = "__green-belt__/graphics/entity/turbo-splitter/hr-turbo-splitter-south.png",
frame_count = 32,
line_length = 8,
priority = "extra-high",
width = 168,
height = 67,
shift = {0.140625, 0.0234375},
scale = 0.5
west =
filename = "__green-belt__/graphics/entity/turbo-splitter/turbo-splitter-west.png",
frame_count = 32,
line_length = 16,
priority = "extra-high",
width = 51,
height = 78,
shift = {0.296875, -0.03125},
hr_version =
filename = "__green-belt__/graphics/entity/turbo-splitter/hr-turbo-splitter-west.png",
frame_count = 32,
line_length = 8,
priority = "extra-high",
width = 94,
height = 154,
shift = {0.203125, -0.109375},
scale = 0.5
Any help appreciated.