
Things that we aren't going to implement
Long Handed Inserter
Long Handed Inserter
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Post by Rage »

Hi, I'm new, search function didn't show anything so I'm gonna go ahead and ask.
The main thing I see preventing some thing from being modded in is that the loaders are too restricting.
Things like the ever requested liquid cargo wagon can't be made because you can only use one type when defining an entity, my attempts to define a second seem to either be ignored or cause a crash. And attempts to add a parameter that's not apart of a type are just ignored. From my fiddling this seems to have something to with the loaders that are called when you set a type. Can't make a liquid wagon cause the cargo-wagon loader ignores the fluid box, and cause the storage-tank loader has it's own set of things it wants.
So my question is this:
Is it possible to:
A: Setup custom loaders of our own?
B: Add parameters after defining an entity?
C: Have a loader type that takes what's in the entity definition and tries to make it work?
Again, I'm new, so if this has been asked before I'm sorry, it didn't pop up in the search.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Long Handed Inserter
Long Handed Inserter
Posts: 92
Joined: Mon Aug 11, 2014 5:22 am

Re: Loaders

Post by roothorick »

The modding API as a whole right now is pretty piss poor because in the vast majority of cases, the vanilla game logic is untouchable. You can change various variables, but you can't change or override the code that acts on those variables. If you're lucky, you can trick the vanilla logic into disabling itself using various exploits, and then reimplement the whole thing from scratch, but even that only gets you so far. Meaningful modding is currently largely impossible.
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