Factorio is the cure...

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Factorio is the cure...

Post by featherwinglove »

Ughh... The video game industry is starting to count on people becoming hopelessly addicted so they spend their life savings on microtransactions, DLC, and loot chests. Ughh... Article. Considering the actions of a few developers *ahem*WarnerBrothersInteractive_Ubisoft_ElectronicsArts_KonamiAndTheir*ahem*PachinkoMachines*ahem*, they might seem rather hard to argue with.

...Factorio is the cure to the microtransaction problem, at least? Right?...

In possibly related news, the games news media, including such loot chest hating types as SidAlpha, Jim Sterling, and ReviewTechUSA, are totally ignoring the little corner of paradise in Prague called Wube Software and their very-much-against-all-of-this-nonsense title Factorio. Let's see, I think I can count all the devs I'm not boycotting for ethical misdeeds on one finger :mrgreen: (Actually, there are a lot more I'd buy from, but they tend to make games I'm not all that interested in. Nothing wrong with them, they're just not for me. Sorry Darkwood.)
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Re: Factorio is the cure...

Post by Koub »

Factorio is one gem of its own, but fortunately, is not the only game developped in wha I consider the old ethical way. I have played with much pleasure (and comparable amounts of time) KSP, Terraria, and a few others. All share the same ethics :
First : make a product that meets high standards of quality, with as much effort as possible into giving people who buy it the bang for their buck
Second : make it so that people who make this game possible can live from it.

This is imho the right, the "ethic" way to make a game.

Alas, an ever increasing part of the gaming industry seems to take the alternative - and what I consider unethical - path :
First : Make money
Second : find a way to make more money. If a game has to be delivered, then so be it, but the priority is to get maximum buck for minimum bang (but give the illusion that lots of bangs were delivered)

Unfortunately, it's so much easier to do choose the dark side. If you watch the interview Kovarex gave to a journalist, you will measure how close from Factorio dying prematurely we have been.

[Edit] Link to the vid (subtitles may help :mrgreen: )
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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Re: Factorio is the cure...

Post by featherwinglove »

Koub wrote:Factorio is one gem of its own, but fortunately, is not the only game developped in wha I consider the old ethical way. I have played with much pleasure (and comparable amounts of time) KSP,
Kerbal Space Program, I presume. I still play it. Bought it before the news broke that would have deterred me from ever making the purchase.
First : make a product that meets high standards of quality, with as much effort as possible into giving people who buy it the bang for their buck
Check. Totally check and still worth the $40 purchase price.
Second : make it so that people who make this game possible can live from it.
Er... They seemed to have missed that part.
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Re: Factorio is the cure...

Post by olafthecat »

If those claims are real, then they definitely have missed that part
I'm assuming that you are reasonably well paid, are you?
Gonna start playing again with 0.16 build.
That's all.
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Re: Factorio is the cure...

Post by Koub »

olafthecat wrote:I'm assuming that you are reasonably well paid, are you?
I am, but have not always been. And let me tell you, the leisures that can provide you 500 or 1000 hours of entertainement for 40$ are exceptionally rare.
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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Re: Factorio is the cure...

Post by olafthecat »

I agree, this is a unique game.
Gonna start playing again with 0.16 build.
That's all.
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