Tech tree: no hidden technologies and still readable

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Tech tree: no hidden technologies and still readable

Post by The_Mell »

I would like to have all technologies fully integrated in the tech tree and keep it readable by using colors and/or limited steps.

Right now technologies are partially erased from tech tree to avoid clutter and spaghetti, but this confuses players (or at least me and some others who have filed bug reports for this).

Solution part 1:
Have everything in the tech tree.
All precursors and successor.
Making it consistent and therefor less confusing logical but also more confusing visually.

Solution part 2:
Colors help distingiush paths in tech tree.
Those skinny, grey lines?
Replace them with nice arrows of decent width and color them!
4-6 colors should be more then enough.

Solution part 3:
Exclude technologies - depending on steps from selected technology.
Complete tech tree is not neccessary. Normaly you want to see what's next or get a rough idea.
Yes, i know that sounds like going back to the old tech screen.

Right now there are manually selected technologies erased from tech tree.
Instead use an algorithm to sort out unnecessary things to avoid glutter.
Either a sole step solution, which shows only 2 steps up&down or number of steps depending on total number of shown technologies,
or an hybrid solution combining current&step by marking technologies as major&minor and fade out only minor technologies when too far away.

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