[0.15] Script for new recipe system

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Manual Inserter
Manual Inserter
Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Aug 02, 2017 9:21 am

[0.15] Script for new recipe system

Post by Kp0ral »

Hello everyone, i've made this script for personal use ( for a light mod who change unwanted item ).
So i share it for anyone want it, you can use it, edit it or watever you want :

Code: Select all

local SwitchTo = {

	[ "iron-stick" ] = { "iron-plate", 2 },
	[ "iron-gear-wheel" ] = { "iron-plate", 2 },
	[ "wood" ] = { "raw-wood", 1 },
	[ "copper-cable" ] = { "copper-plate", 2 },
	[ "heavy-oil" ] = { "crude-oil", 1 },
	[ "light-oil" ] = { "crude-oil", 1 },
	[ "petroleum-gas" ] = { "crude-oil", 1 },
	[ "lubricant" ] = { "crude-oil", 1 }


for _, r in pairs( data.raw.recipe ) do
	-- Switching to the new recipe system ( normal only ! )
	if r.normal == nil then
		r.normal = {}
		r.normal.ingredients = r.ingredients
		r.ingredients = nil
	if r.result ~= nil then
		r.normal.result = r.result
		r.result = nil
	if r.results ~= nil then
		r.normal.results = r.results
		r.results = nil
	if r.result_count ~= nil then
		r.normal.result_count = r.result_count
		r.result_count = nil
	if r.requester_paste_multiplier ~= nil then
		r.normal.requester_paste_multiplier = r.requester_paste_multiplier
		r.requester_paste_multiplier = nil
	for k, v in pairs( r.normal.ingredients ) do	
		-- Using id instead of numeric index
		if v.name == nil then
			v.amount = v[ 2 ]
			v.name = v[ 1 ]
			v[ 2 ] = nil
			v[ 1 ] = nil
		-- Cleanup unwanted item ( here you can delete this code, it's only made for my personnal use )
		if SwitchTo[ v.name ] then
			v.amount = math.ceil( v.amount / SwitchTo[ v.name ][ 2 ] )
			v.name = SwitchTo[ v.name ][ 1 ]
		-- Cleaning duplicate entry
		for i = #r.normal.ingredients, 1, -1 do
			for k, v in pairs( r.normal.ingredients ) do
				if r.normal.ingredients[ k ] ~= nil and r.normal.ingredients[ i ] ~= nil then
					if r.normal.ingredients[ i ].name == r.normal.ingredients[ k ].name and k ~= i and
						r.normal.ingredients[ k ].amount ~= nil and r.normal.ingredients[ i ].amount ~= nil then
						r.normal.ingredients[ k ].amount = r.normal.ingredients[ k ].amount + r.normal.ingredients[ i ].amount
						r.normal.ingredients[ i ] = nil
I have no problem for 0.15, but for other version and because i transfer all data to the new recipe system, idk if it work with other version of factorio.
Also i'm not sure why, but using this system unlock some recipes ( plane, transfer belt and a cool weapon xD ).

How work this script, first off i create all needed entry to switch between normal entry to new entries ( normal / expensive ( where isn't use at all here, it work only for normal because i don't need expensive ) then for my mod i switch unwanted item to base item and keep material ratio.

After that, i need to cleanup duplicate keys ... because you know by switching "iron-stick" to "iron-plate" you have in some case :

Code: Select all

	{ "iron-plate", 2 },
	{ "iron-plate", 3 }
So crafting by hand isn't a problem, but by using assembling machine it wont work because it keep 2 entries rather than one, and inserter don't fill all.
To finish my script also clean all unwanted data key, just to cleanup the code ! It work fast but idk about compatibility with other mod, i think it was better to implement it on your own code if you want use it, but ! for the second time, be careful about compatibility, because this script work on ALL recipe registered.

Hope to help someone with that.
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