So What I am trying to do is to get the vehicle turret to spin, with no enemies around. I just want it to spin around, through the frames.
I was trying to play with the vanilla code, changing "frame count" and "direction count" only rotated the turret when the car was moving (the faster it moved that faster it rotated) which is perfect but it wasn't working when the player was not in the car (remote controlled car). I would settle for either spinning all the time or doing w/e is doing now but without the player inside.... to be honest I am not sure why the animation speed is synchronized with the car speed.... Will anyone be nice enough to give me some tips or point me in the right direction?
Vanilla code for car turret below:
Code: Select all
car.turret_animation = {
layers = {
animation_speed = 8,
direction_count = 64,
filename = "__custom-vehicles__/graphics/car/car-turret.png",
frame_count = 1,
height = 29,
line_length = 8,
shift = {
width = 36
direction_count = 64,
draw_as_shadow = true,
filename = "__custom-vehicles__/graphics/car/car-turret-shadow.png",
frame_count = 1,
height = 31,
line_length = 8,
shift = {
width = 46
car.turret_rotation_speed = 0.1