Naming trains

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Naming trains

Post by fechnert »

it would be really helpful if trains had names to search for them when i'm in the train overview with more than 10 trains.
At a point where i have more than 10-15 trains that do different things, it is already really helpful to have a train overview and see directly which train stops the trains have. But in a long list, i would rather search for the phrase "coal to base" than having to scroll through an slowly increasing list of different trains.

The train overview is really nice, but if you want to find a specific train fast, it is not much effective to look at the position and the train stops. On multiple trains with the same stops this could also be a hard task.
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Re: Naming trains

Post by Tekky »

This has already been suggested two months ago in the following thread:

viewtopic.php?f=6&t=47747 Train names

Here is a quote of what I wrote about the idea in that thread:
Tekky wrote:I agree.

Apart from giving trains a human-readable name, I consider it important to also be able to give the train a meaningful Train-ID number, which is readable by the circuit network.

Since Factorio version 0.15.11, a station can send the internal unique train-ID of the train to the circuit network. However, I think it would be meaningful to be able to specify this Train-ID number yourself. For example, I would like to give all of my iron ore trains an ID between 1000 and 1999 and all of my copper trains an ID between 2000 and 2999. That way, the first digit would specify the type of train. All of this has been discussed in the following thread:

viewtopic.php?f=6&t=46969 Constant Combinator for Locomotive

For more information regarding the ability for a station to send a unique Train-ID to the circuit network, see this bug report thread:
viewtopic.php?f=11&t=46234 Read train contents sends 0 briefly?
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Re: Naming trains

Post by d3x0r »

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