"Save&Exit" In Addition to "Back" in Mod Module

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"Save&Exit" In Addition to "Back" in Mod Module

Post by abordoli »

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I know that we have the "Back" button in the Mod module of the game where it WILL reboot the game if one toggles(on/off),updates or add mods (not sure about deletions), but there are many times where I want to make the toggle change, but exit Factorio with my mod change saved, but NOT reboot the game...I.e. So that the game releases focus on the mod so that I can alter it on my workbench. I know it's just an extra button in the GUI, but I don't think that I'm the only one getting more game reboots than they bargained for.

Maybe, I'm missing a work-around or another method to do what I'm trying to do.


P.S. For some, this game can take quite a while to reboot.
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